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Oz Pet

For easy cat care, Oz-Pet is a great option for pet parents looking for all-natural cat litter and a simple and classic cat litter box. The Oz-Pet Cat Loo Set and Litter Pellets provide maximum odour control and easy clean up.

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Oz-Pet Cat Loo Set is a 3-in-1 cat litter system that makes your pooper scooper duties a breeze and helps reduce strong urine odour as well as cleverly reserves clean litter to prevent unnecessary waste. This set also includes a bag of cat litter made from wood fibres for an eco-friendly, biodegradable, and compostable litter you can use for your cat’s bathroom spot. The Oz-Pet Litter Pellets is highly absorbent and is a natural odour eliminator; it’s 100% organic and breaks down naturally for an eco-friendly cat litter.