Train your Dog to Stop Pulling before he gets into bad habits.

Ideally, we all want our pups to walk by our heel, without a lead in sight! But before you get there, you may need a helping hand.

Black Dog's Balance Halter has saved many a dog walker's shoulders, and is a great Walking Harness, and an effective training alternative for dogs with neck issues, or if a head halter is not appropriate.

How does it work?
The front-attach Balance harness works by moving your dog around slightly if they pull, making it impossible to walk and pull, so when they pull, it pulls them away from their intended target.

The Balance Harness also attaches at the back, like a standard harness so you can keep using it when your dog graduates from the front-attachment! It is super Easy to introduce as there is nothing around the face to annoy your pooch.


  • Comfortable, Secure, Gentle control without discomfort
  • Can be used with any lead
  • Available in super stylish colours
  • Machine washable.

Colours: Blue, Red, Green, Purple, Pink


Measuring your dog for a Balance Harness

The Balance Harnesses is sized by a dog's Girth - that's their chest measurement. Don't just try to guess by breed type - there are lots of variation in sizes of individual dogs, so a Girth Measurement will get the right size harness first time.

Check the picture below to see where the "Girth Measurement" should be taken.


Mini: Girth 40-50cm
Small: Girth 47-63cm
Medium: Girth 55-72cm
Large: Girth 66-95cm
Extra Large: Girth 90-127cm

Things to remember:

  • Make sure the harness is fitted properly. Please see Black Dog's fitting guide in the Specifications tab and the video below.
  • Never use a hard jerk with the harness.
  • balance.jpg
  • Attach the lead to the Front D Ring on the Balance Harness.
  • When your dog pulls, stop walking and at the same time start to pulsate the lead to the front of the harness to get your dog to turn towards you.
  • Immediately loosen the lead as your dog stops pulling, and praise lavishly.
  • Be Consistent to Lock in your Training

The Balance Harness is designed as a Walking Trainer, and is not intended for other use - Do not use as a Car Harness.

Reward your dog when introducing it to the Harness and throughout the first week, particularly when you first fit the harness, and as your dog works well on lead.

How to use the Balance Harness with a Normal Lead!


Brand BlackDog Wear
Barcode # 793591732824
Size Small
Colour Pink

How to use the Balance Harness
For walking attach the lead to the clip on the dogs chest. The clip on the back can be used with a car seat restraint, or be attached to a double-ended or regular lead.

When your dog pulls on the leash they lean forward, and use their weight and strength to pull against the leash. When we pull back, we're reinforcing this behaviour and they keep pulling harder. The Black Dog Balance Harness helps break this habit and trains your dog to balance on all fours when on the lead.

1. Use a soft tape measure.
2. Place the tape measure around your dog's body, just behind the front legs.
3. Pull it to be a tight, snug fit and read off the measurement.

Can I use it with my own leash?
Yes! The Black Dog Balance Halter can be used with any leash - no need to buy a new one! But if you need extra help, a double ended lead will work wonders!

Is the Balance Harness better than a collar or chains?
Don't get us wrong, we LOVE a cute collar, but flat collars with a leash are hopeless when you're training or walking your dog--they can "choke" and "gag" your dog. Collars and chains can harm a dog’s throat, especially when you’re training them to walk with you. An accidental jerk on the lead could damage their spine. During walking and training, you can use a Black Dog harness, and a cute "house collar" off lead.

Will my Dog like the Balance Harness?
When your dog associates the halter with going for a walk, he'll begin to react positively to it, and soon, both you and your dog will enjoy taking walks together!

A good quality dog harness will help you become a better parent to your pet. You can show your pooch that you put great emphasis on his health, comfort, and style. Please, know that there is an alternative to inhumane collars!

6 Month Guarantee.
Guaranteed against faulty materials or workmanship, for 6 months of normal use, from date of purchase. Unfortunately we can't guarantee your dog won't chew a Black Dog product. Visit for more details.

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